About Us

This is a little bit out Tobin in a couple of sentences.

About Tobin

The Tobin Youth Centre Committee was formed in 2011, to purchase the St Malachy’s Football Hall and renovate the hall into a Youth Centre. 

Meet Committee members

Elaine Devlin


Anne Marie Tallon


Martina Devlin


Mary Rocks

Eilish Devlin

Anne Devlin

Mary Maynes

Olivia Henry

Emma Quinn

Tobin's Objects

The Charity’s objects (“Objects”) are specifically restricted to the following:-

To act as a resource for babies, toddlers, young people and their parents and guardians living in Moortown and its surrounding areas (the “area of benefit”) by providing advice, assistance and support and organising programmes of physical, educational and other activities as a means of:

Object One

provides an environment which encourages education and social development for babies and toddlers (children under four) whilst providing a friendly and supportive network for parents and carers.

Object Two

advancing in life and helping young people and their parents and guardians by developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals;

Object Three

promoting education and training;

Object Four

promoting amateur sport and advancing health;

Object Five

providing recreational and leisure time activities in the interests of social welfare to improve their conditions of life.

Join Us

Tobin Centre offers a wide range of activities for babies, toddlers, young people and their parents and guardians, so why not consider becoming a member.

Help Us

Tobin Centre is only able to operate due to the time invested by volunteers. If you have a few hours free each month, why not consider helping out as a volunteer.

Contact us about Tobin

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